My favorite traffic sign has always been "Slow Children." That was until I went to England and was introduced to what I think has been a treasure trove of funny signs. The first one I came across that almost had me snorting was "Caution Plant Crossing."
Then I nearly had a fit when I saw "Heavy Plant Crossing."

Watch out for that rhododendron!
Then there is this one from my Couchsurfing friend in South Shields, Michael, about undressing.
I had seen the "MIND THE GAP" signs before on T-shirts, but didn't know what it meant. I thought it was an advertising slogan for the Gap that I wasn't familiar with. Another sign I thought was funny was one that said, "Way Out," instead of Exit.
I added for good measure the picture of a mattress that I came across in the Red Light District in Amsterdam. I'm not sure if you can make out the "fine print," but it says, "Slightly used."
This one is on the Golden Gate Bridge:
Is this the natural progression after a speed-dating event?
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