Sunday, March 14, 2010

Video of Student Reciting Pi to 1000 digits

For 2009's Pi Day (March 14) I had challenged my students to see how many digits of pi they could recite. I said, in a thinking out loud but not really directed to anyone voice, "Wouldn't it be cool to see how many digits of pi someone can recite." On Pi Day, a girl in my math class recited off 20 digits of pi, then was followed by several others who pushed it into the 30's, 40's and 50's. When the 50 digit threshold was reached, several students kept it going. If I remember correctly, we had over 2/3 of the entire 5th grade reciting over 20 digits of pi. Soon after one kid approached 150 I sensed a slow down in enthusiasm, so I bet them that if anyone recited 314 digits of pi, I would dye my hair blond. I thought that it was a safe and ridiculous number to reach, so I felt pretty confident that it wouldn't happen. Along came one student who pointed his finger in my face and told me I was going down. The gauntlet was thrown.
Juan, this video was long in getting posted, but is a tribute to you, your drive and tenacity, and just plain awesomeness.

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