Sunday, May 25, 2008

Counterfeit Busters

Somehow my daughter got a counterfeit one dollar bill. Yeah, a one dollar bill. I'm not clear on the circumstances of her getting it, but that is not important. My thought was who in their right mind (or criminal mind) would ever bother counterfeit a one dollar bill. It was most likely a gag or a joke someone made out of a bill, but by all accounts, I am told that it looked and felt real, except for the rather lewd pictures that were on it. Thank goodness those pictures did not register in my daughter's radar. Still, she felt a sense of duty and wanted to call the police and report it. Eventually, an agent of the Secret Service felt compelled to come to the house to take a look at it. He was surprised at how good it was for all the markers of a real counterfeit, except again for the pictures. He said he needed to take it and wrote out a receipt for it. My daughter was so proud that she did her civic duty to protect the USA!
As it turns out, the bill was a gag gift brought back from another country by a friend of ours. Somehow she got a hold of it (note to self: it's time to put away certain items in drawers -- kid's are getting curious!).
The Secret Service agent was called and told about where the item came from and how it was acquired. He was interested, because the bill was so real that it was illegal to produce. No one was getting in trouble for it, but they wanted to know more about the whereabouts of its origin.
This reminds me of when I used to work in a bank as a teller. I was the resident counterfeit identifier. For some reason, I was able to quickly identify which bills were real or not. In one year, I must have spotted about 15 $100 bills, much to the chagrin of customers or other tellers. It was exciting, in a way, and I got to fill out forms to send to the secret service.
However, I never got to be visited by an agent!


cruisin-mom said...

seems interesting to me that the Secret Service spends their time doing this...shouldn't they be protecting the president?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back, I was about to nag you to make another post! :)

This sounds very exciting, I can't believe they actually came to your house...craziness!! It must have made your daughter's year! And yes, time to put some locks on the drawers...

Anonymous said...

PS I forgot to tell you, I added a link to you on my page...hope you don't mind!

Arrrteest said...

Hi Cruisin-mom ... Too bad I wasn't there or I would have asked him if he could get me in on one of those White House tours.

Hi Senta! It has been quite hectic around here and I've barely had a chance to sit and write. I kinda feel like I have been pulled in many directions like I was drawn and quartered. (I know have a mental picture of me drawing a self portrait on the face of a quarter)
anyhoo... You should know I always look forward to reading your posts too. When I figure out how to add them to a list, I'll add yours too.