Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Teaching Family Life / Conversation with a student

In my school system, 5th grade teachers (who are tenured) teach Family Life. That in itself is worthy of its own posting, and I probably will write something about that.
What I can say now is that we really need to teach this stuff to our kids. They come to us with such strange ideas and misconceptions (sorry about the pun).

Here is a conversation that I had with one of my students today:

"Your mom, is she old?"
"What does old mean? To you, you think I'm old."
"Well, right. But is it possible for your mother be younger than you?"
"Your mom . . . Or dad . . . Can they be younger than you?"
"Can your mother or father be younger than you? Is that what you're asking?"
"Yes, is it possible?"


Artful Kisser said...

Hilarious! I actually know someone who is 6 years older than his step mother, which makes him older than his step aunties and uncles but only 12 years younger than his step grandparents. It's a big, complicated family....

Anonymous said...

I love reading your stories, this is so funny!! Kids are the best. You should put all your funny stories together into a book :)

Arrrteest said...

Hi artful...yeah, I hadn't thought about step parents and all of the types of families today. I'm wondering if the student who asked that question was thinking along those lines. It still is one of those questions that makes you wonder.

Hi Senta ... and I should be more vigilent about saving these things. I guess having a blog will help with that!

Anonymous said...

Ahem ... hello, I believe when you told me, I said, what about having a step-parent??? Gee, has turning 41 affected your memory too? : )

Arrrteest said...

sweetie 3.14, that's cute!
I wrote the blog before I talked with you. You obviously were quicker on the draw than me with that.