Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Quick Pi Update

Yesterday, my pi eating student reached the 1001 digit milestone. What can you say about that?
Today I told my students that if they all get A's on their spelling test that I would attempt to recite pi to 50 digits and if everyone got 100%, that I would do that for 100 digits. They said that I should say that I will, not should. I told them that I was too old to remember that many digits and that I was being honest in saying I would attempt to do it. After all, that is all that I asked from them, right?
Anyway, one student chimed in and said, "Mr. Selvin, you're not that old!"
She got an "A" for the day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Obviously another one who is practiced in the art of the straight face!