Saturday, March 15, 2008

Reminders that I'm not 25 anymore

I read a recent posting from Newscoma. It starts off with the ages of a few beloved notables. The internet is riffe with cute little reminders of "You know you're old if you remember ..." or "Those born after 19 _ _ think that..." You either laugh and comiserate and/or shake your head. Please pass the Tums, Zantac, and raisin bran.
It usually doesn't hurt physically.

Well, this morning I got up and went to my first soccer practice before the spring season. It had been a few months since the last time I laced up, so I thought that wasn't too too bad. I got to put on my new cleats and my new Manchester United jersey on. I did fairly well considering, but . . .

I'm not 25 anymore.

I did my version of warm ups, stretches, etc. I ran around the field and didn't get out of breath. I tripped and fell a few times and got up, sometime a bit slower than I'd have liked, but then again . . .

I'm not 25 anymore.

I got home, slowly took off my stuff and showered. I think it was then all the endorphins wore off because all of a sudden it was quite difficult to go down the steps and walk around.
But no biggie. It will all go away by midweek, when I get ready for another practice or game.
When asked why I still do this season after season, year after year, I just say because . . .

I'm not 25 anymore.


Newscoma said...

25 was a weird year. 30 was pretty good. 32 kinda sucked.
42, groovy and I love to mock my growing older.
The alternative is kind of daunting, wouldn't you think.
Hope you are well, David.

I just can't drink beer like I used to.

Arrrteest said...

Hi Trace, I'm doing fine (uh, the dreaded "fine").

I liked 30. My birthday is on Groundhog's Day, so my wife got me up at 2 a.m. and drove me to Punxatawney, Pennslyvania, to see if P-Phil saw his shadow! That was cool. It was more like a fraternity party on a remote snowy clearing full of drunk college students, but it was a lot of fun. 31-39 were mostly forgettable. 40 was good,and I think I'll wear the 40's with a badge of honor.

And no, I can't drink beer like I used to either. Well, at least, not in the same amount of time.