Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pub Quiz Questions

I will list the questions in the comment section.

1 comment:

Arrrteest said...

1. How many valves does a trumpet have?
2. Only one type of cheese is mentioned in the "Doomsday Book." Which one?
3. In Darts, what is the lowest score that cannot be achieved with a single dart?
4. Which species of bird was considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians?
5. What sport do the Sale Sharks play?
6. Which element gives off a purple vapor when it is heated?
7. About the life of which singer was the 2005 film "Walk the Line"?
8. What is the spice that gives curries their yellow color?
9. In 1999, what title did Prince Edward acquire?
10. On which London street is the Bank of England located?
11.What nationality is the golfer Ernie Els?
12. What Japanese delicacy is considered to be the world's most dangerous food, killing 60% of cases if not cooked correctly?
13. How many feathers does a shuttlecock have in it: 10, 12, or 16?
14. Which island is home to the lemur?
15. What is the only color budgerigars have in the wild?
16. Who starred as Robert Langdon in the 2006 film "The DaVinci Code"?
17. Which song opens with the line: "Starry, Starry night, paint your palettes blue and grey"?
18. In which US city is the television medical drama series "ER" set?
19. From which musical does the song "Ol Man River" come from?
20. Which fruit is used to flavor the spirit Southern Comfort?
21. Which long-running publication is known as "the bible of cricket"?
22. Reputedly, whose dying words were: "I shall hear in heaven"?
23. Which motor manufacturer produces the exotic Gallardo model?
24. Which baseball star is mentioned in the lyrics of Simon & Garfunkel's song Mrs. Robinson?
25. What was Padraig Harrington the first European to do for more than a century at the weekend? (19/20 July)
26. The new Batman film set a new record taking £77.5 million in its opening weekend. What was the previous record holder?
27. On an ordnance survey map, a silhouette of which animal is used to denote a zoo?
28. What term describes the force exerted between two surfaces that inhibits motion between them?
29. Which French Couturier was the first to show a collection for men?
30. Which current actress was the first to receive two Oscars before her 30th birthday?
31. For which James Bond film did Roald Dahl write the script?
32. Which famous occultist, who appeared on the Sgt. Pepper album, motto for life was "Do what thou wilst"?
33. What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite?
34. What is the official name of Kew Gardens?
35. In UK economics, for what does the acronym P.S.B.R. stand?
36. What is the name of the Royal Family of the Netherlands?
37. What name is given to drugs that increase the output of urine by the kidneys?
38. In which year was the Children in Need fund raiser first screened in Britain?
39. Who won the German Grand Prix at the weekend?
40. According to a recent survey, do parents spend more money bringing up boys or girls?

Good luck! Admittedly, I only knew 11 of the answers, but of those I was the only one to know, I like to think it was what made us to go over the margin of victory!