Sunday, July 6, 2008


And no, I'm not talking about the scenery. Ughhhhh. Of all times to pick to get sick? And you didn't think I felt stupid enough to deal with a sprained knee? I must have picked up a nasty virus or bug and got laid out for several days. I think it was from something I ate, but Jaime just told me that there is something going around. I ended up at an ER at 3 am (1/2 hr away) to be told what I knew they would say anyway: Go home and wait it out. 2 days later and 8 spikes of 103+ fevers, I went to the local clinic and the doctor said I have gastroenteritis. She said it didn't matter too much if it was a virus or bacterial because the treatment is all the same -- do nothing and let the body do its work. But they ended up giving me 2 IV bags because I was dehydrated from the effects. They were very nice (unlike the doctor we called at night who was yelling at me because I didn't know what my temperature was in Celsius), but they had a difficult time finding my veins. So, if you run into me, I am not a junkie, no matter what my arms look like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better!! My MIL fell while she was in Italy and lost her two front teeth and had to get all kinds of stitches in her lip. It's no fun getting hurt or sick ESPECIALLY on vacation! But your trip sounds amazing, even with all that!