Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Conversation During Lunch

Bro: I think I knew that last song.
Sis: Yeah, you do. We've heard it before.
-next song-
Bro: Do I know this one? I'm not sure.
Sis: I do . . . I think I do . . . [thinks about it with a slightly furrowed brow] Well, maybe I heard it on the radio.
Bro: You did?
Sis: I think so, maybe.

Silence while they eat and listen

Bro: This song has no words. It's not a real song.
Sis: It's a real song -- It doesn't have to have words.
Bro: That's funny . . . No, weird. Huh.


Artful Kisser said...

That's interesting. Is a song actually a song if it doesn't have words? I agree. I say it's not a song.

cruisin-mom said...

Maybe this will help :)

song (sôŋ)


1. the act or art of singing to break into song
2. a piece of music sung or composed for singing
1. Old Poet. poetry; verse
2. a relatively short metrical composition for, or suitable for, singing, as a ballad or simple lyric
4. a musical sound like singing the song of the lark

David and Jaime: have a wonderful safe trip

kiki said...

are bro and ak saying that most classical music isn't made up of songs?

cruisin mon points out the defnition of 'song'
by definition, it isn't a real song, but, like all other old english words, the definition has (surely) become more broad over the years.

i'd assume not too many people would be talking about song and poetry together, but what about dance music 'songs' that have no words? etc

Anonymous said...

ahem... sweetie, HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN ME???

Jamie??? Bionic Woman, remember, Bionic Woman

Anonymous said...

oops - that comment was meant for a different post.