Monday, June 9, 2008

OMG! I'm blond!

It happened!
At the last possible moment, it happened. The kids in the 5th grade all got a 100% on at least one spelling test this quarter. After suffering through most of the year with dismal scores and a lackadaisical effort on the part of some of the students, I threw down the challenge. If 100% get a 100%, I would dye my hair blond. At first, I was fooled into thinking it did happen, and then was disappointed to find out that it was all an elaborate trick. Funny, but not the real thing.
I told the kids that the offer still stood, and up to last week only 3 had yet to make it.
Well, tomorrow is a celebration day for the 5th graders, and to make good on my challenge, I went ahead and got it done.
By the way, most salons are closed on Mondays, or too early for me to get something done after school is out. I got it done at a local Hair Butchery and while it is blond, it is a bit too golden for me. I wanted it to be lighter. My hair is thick, very dark, and according to the stylist, very strong. They kept the stuff (whatever that blue gunk they slather in your hair to bleach it is called) very long and they were worried that if we kept it in any longer it would damage the hair. What do I know.
Picture to come later.


Artful Kisser said...

Wow! So is it true? Are you having more fun? Getting more attention from gentlemen? And sorry to expose you to yet more 5th grade humour but, honest to goodness, cross my heart, the word verification below says "dikbar"...

cruisin-mom said...

LOL...great story...boy, would I have loved to have a teacher like you!

Arrrteest said...

Artful kisser, sorry to say, no one has whistled at me, yet.
Cruisin-mom, thanks! Someone said they know someone who shaved off all the hair on their head for a challenge. I'm not willing to go that far. At least I can change it back if I wanted to.
I think I'll keep it. At least until it grows out.